Hi, I’m Robert Flores.

Welcome to Flores Life Coaching.

You’re right on time.




It’s no fun heading into your second half when you’re not satisfied with the path you’re on.

Any of these sound familiar?


Unsatisfying days

This isn’t what you pictured your life would look like. The dreams you’ve had - career aspirations, travel, time with your family - just haven’t materialized the way you hoped.

Chained to your job

You’re working in a job you don’t enjoy under a manager who isn’t invested in your future. A person in their second half should work because they love it, not because they have to.

Financial stress

Despite working hard your entire life, the numbers don’t add for a financially free second half. It seems like all your friends are set up for retirement and are living their dreams, but that’s not your reality.

This all takes a heavy emotional toll.

If you hoped it would be different…

If you’re disappointed with how it is…

If you’re frustrated because you don’t know how to find the path to the second half you deserve…

I’m here to help. No one should ever think it’s too late to reignite their dream.

Dream Reignite 8-Week Coaching Program

Experience 1:1 life coaching with Dr. Robert Flores, from anywhere in the world.

*All coaching sessions take place over Zoom.

Get a clear picture of where you are now

It’s time to get honest about reality, and it’s time to rediscover who you are. We’ll learn about how you’re wired, explore how you’re gifted, and tap into the passions you’ve been carrying with you all along.

Identify the dream in your heart

What are you going to commit to for your second half? Is there a book you’ve always wanted to write? A business you’ve wanted to launch? A charity you’ve wanted to found? Good news. It’s not too late. Let’s get after it.

Create the strategic plan that will get you there

We will get VERY specific on how you are going to achieve your second half dreams. We will work together to identify what’s blocking you from your dreams and create a plan to leap past them.

You’re the hero of this story.

It’s time to begin living like it.

You’re right on time to make the big moves you’ve been dreaming of.

Sometimes we simply need a coach to help us find the path toward…


Imagine knowing your exact next steps and what you need to do to enter the second half of your dreams.


Your second half should be the most meaningful time of your life. You’ve earned your wisdom and experience! It’s time to put it to use.


No more shame and embarrassment about where you find yourself in life. You deserve to be proud and excited about where you’re headed.

You’ve worked hard to earn your wisdom and experience.

Now let’s put them to work and reignite those dreams.

Here’s how it works:

Recognize you can use some help.

There’s no shame in admitting you’re stuck and could use some help moving forward. We’ve all been there. Once you realize you’re not where you wish you were, you’re in the perfect position to make some changes. That’s where Flores Life Coaching can help.

Schedule a free 45-minute strategy call with Dr. Robert Flores.

Robert will listen to your story and ask you some crucial questions. One of Robert’s gifts is helping people define reality and truly understand where they are - and why! Once you get clear about where you are now, your next steps begin to take shape.

Begin coaching and unlock the second half you want.

Ultimately the decision is up to you. Flores Life Coaching has a clear framework to help you gain clarity and focus for your second half. Are you ready to step into the driver’s seat and get after that dream that’s been waiting for you?


A Life Coach who gets the complexities that come with redesigning life in your second half.

After 40 years serving in ministry and organizational leadership, I found myself looking at a blank slate. And friend, let me tell you that can be a scary moment. But it was also one of the most exhilarating moments of my life.

Maybe you know a thing or two about that. You’ve worked hard your entire life while dreaming about the future. Dream career. Flexibility. Time with your family. Giving your time and energy to ministries dear to your heart.

But for some reason, that’s not how things turned out.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. I know how this feels. I have been there.

And now I’m taking everything I learned on that journey and am making it available to you through Flores Life Coaching.

I’m here to walk alongside you and help you craft the future you’ve always dreamed of. It’s time to stop feeling frustrated and stuck. It’s time to start dreaming again.

I know you have a dream in your heart that feels impossible. But it’s not. Let’s do this thing. You’re right on time.


What Robert’s clients are saying…


"Spending time with Robert as a coach really helped me gain that perspective that you ordinarily won’t get by yourself. His attention to detail, compassion, and knowledge was so valuable, and has proven to be a huge investment in my life."

Glendale M.

"I have been so blessed to have a Life Coach like Robert Flores during this new season in my life. Our meetings have challenged and encouraged me. They have been life changing."

Aida C.

It’s time to thrive in your second half.